Moments 391-400

  1. Constant renewal (committing to myself, my writing, my priorities) even while the world around me is going to sleep, dying off for the winter ahead.
  2. But I also love to hibernate. Wintering is renewal.
  3. The mother of a nine year old. I still hang onto every detail of his birth. But the years in between are a blur.
  4. Ice skating amongst the lights, by ourselves, magical. Ice skating is my ketamine infusion.
  5. The cat has suddenly become afraid of the downstairs. This has caused Levi to become afraid of the downstairs. None of it makes any sense.
  6. Covid took away my appetite. Now the things I used to love and look forward to–plan my life around even–are nothing to me. In fact, worse than nothing, food and drink makes me feel sick. 
  7. Snow! Finally! 
    • Friends, sleds, hot chocolate, cold hands and feet.
  8. I need to learn Spanish. At least the basics. Two months until I head to Spain.
  9. Missed my first morning of the 5am club, but that’s okay. Tomorrow is another day, as they say….
  10. Losing my job / this job search thing is the height of practicing patience. I’m terrible at it. The uncertain future is making me lose my mind.

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