Moments (371 – 380)

  1. Ten more minutes, and I will start working. Today I prioritized me.
  2. I’ve come to the (perhaps obvious) realization that having a child is a representation of life amplified.
    1. Life is terrible and wonderful, maddening and delightful.
    2. Having a child means the person who brings you the most joy in the world is the same person who makes you nearly insane with frustration and anger.
  3. Starting to see time I take for myself not as wasted time but as something gained.
    1. In the case of organizing it will mean more time gained in the future.
  4. Levi has been having some intense nightmares.
  5. Burn the candles. Light the fairy lights. Turn on the purple mood bulb.
  6. Eat dessert twice a day. Give yourself permission.
  7. Ask, “What do I need?” Listen carefully (perhaps with a tiny bit of skepticism), and then do it. No questions asked.
  8. Let myself sleep in.
  9. We all have to do the things required of daily life: laundry, dishes, work, childcare, eldercare, partner care, meal preparation, consuming said meal, sleep, whatever these things may be for each of us. We squeeze them into small cracks of time in our days. Day in and day out. Over and over. None of us exempt.
    1. “What’s hard for me is hard for others….”
  10. “And so we came to February….”

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